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Anthrax (American baund)

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Anthrax is an American hivy metal baund frae New York Ceety, formed in 1981. The baund wis ane o the maist popular o the 1980s thrash metal scene. When thrash metal began tae gain a major followin in the mid-tae-late 1980s, Anthrax wur dubbed ane o the "big fower" o thrash metal alangside Metallica, Megadeth, an Slayer.

Band members[eedit | eedit soorce]

Current[eedit | eedit soorce]

  • Scott Ian – rhythm guitars, backin vocals (1981–present)
  • Charlie Benante – drums, percussion (1983–present)
  • Joey Belladonna - lead vocals (1984–1992, 2005–2007, 2010–present)
  • Frank Bello – bass, backin vocals (1984–2004, 2005–present)
  • Rob Caggiano – lead guitars (2001–2005, 2007–present)

Umwhile[eedit | eedit soorce]

Discography[eedit | eedit soorce]

External links[eedit | eedit soorce]